Seminarium Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Sztucznej Inteligencji oraz AI Bay 23.11.2023

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sztucznej Inteligencji, przy współpracy z AI Bay, Zatoką Sztucznej Inteligencji, zaprasza na seminarium naukowe organizowane w formie zdalnej

Kto: dr Ehsan Adeli, Stanford University
Co: Bias and confounders in medical studies in the age of large-scale models
Kiedy: 23 listopada 2023, 17.00
Jak: zdalnie – Zoom (osoby zapisane dostaną link w wiadomości email)

Abstrakt: The confounding effects are critical in many applications. A confounder is a variable that influences the outcome (output) and the exposure (input). It is a systematic error that can cause an over- or under-estimate of the observed association between the input and output. Removing confounding effects is difficult for different prediction models, including deep learning models. Dr. Ehsan Adeli will present methods to remove confounding and bias effects while training neural networks. The presented examples will demonstrate the usefulness of the techniques for medical applications; however, similar techniques can be used in other applications.

Bio: Dr. Ehsan Adeli is an assistant professor at Stanford University School of Medicine and is affiliated with the Department of Computer Science. With a PhD in computer science and artificial intelligence, Dr. Adeli is applying his expertise to solve critical problems in healthcare and computational neuroscience. He is a Co-Director of Stanford AGILE (Advancing technoloGy for fraIlty and LongEvity) Consortium funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. He served as an area chair or senior PC in MICCAI (2020-2022), MIDL (2019), ICLR (2021), AAAI (2021-2022), and CVPR (2022-2023), NeurIPS 2023. Dr. Adeli is affiliated with several labs and departments, including Computational Neuroscience (CNS) Lab, Stanford Vision and Learning (SVL), Stanford AI Lab (SAIL), Department of Computer Science, Stanford Partnership in AI-Assisted Care (PAC), Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), Stanford Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine & Imaging (AIMI), Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, and Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute.

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