Seminarium z cyklem wykładów – 26 listopada 2020

Klub AI Bay oraz Hub Innowacji Cyfrowych DIH4.AI zapraszają 26 listopada 2020 (czwartek) od 17.30 do 19.15 na kolejne spotkanie i seminarium z blokiem ciekawych wykładów:

17.30-18.05: High Performance, Green Machine Learning for Embedded Edge Systems, David Gamba and Alicja Kwaśniewska, (, CA, USA)

18.05-18.40:ML and Data Classification, John Saunders,(Titus and Boldon James, UK)

18.40-19.15: AI in Practice: the „smarter” future ahead, Milos Manic (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)

W czasie spotkania zaplanowane są również ciekawe dyskusje.

Wydarzenie odbędzie się w języku angielskim w formie zdalnej. Aby wziąć udział w spotkaniu prosimy o rejestrację stosując formularz podany poniżej. Wszystkie zarejestrowane osoby otrzymają przed wydarzeniem dane dostępu do spotkania zdalnego (platforma Zoom).

Informacje o wykładowcach:

David Gamba – VP of Business Development at (USA) – company focused on delivering a low power high performance ML platform accelerating performance of computer vision workloads for embedded edge applications ( David has over 20 years experience in the semiconductor industry and has been recognized by the industry for introducing Hard Floating Point into FPGA devices as well as the OpenCL programming language into the programmable logic industry, which were key to driving the industry’s first wide scale adoption of FPGA accelerators in data centers. 

Alicja Kwaśniewska – Software Architect at specializing in machine learning applications for the embedded edge. She is also a co-organizer of the International Summer School on Deep Learning ( and has 20+ publications in the field, which were frequently awarded with e.g. best paper and best young professional paper awards. In her PhD dissertation she proposed innovative architectures of deep neural networks aimed at improving accuracy of remote medical diagnostics.

John SaundersSales Engineer at HelpSystems specializing in Data Identification, Classification and Protection. HelpSystems Data Security Suite combines Titus, Boldon James, Clearswift and GoAnywhere data security platforms to achieve a unified approach to managing and protecting your data.

Milos Manic – Professor of Computer Science at Virginia Commonwealth University (USA), director of VCU Cybersecurity Center,, Fellow Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (AI Assurance),,  officer at IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, an author of 200 research papers and the leader of more than 30 research projects. Research areas include: artificial intelligence, cyber security, critical infrastructure protection, energy security, resilient intelligent control, and other.

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